GCC’s Vision
Grace Community Chapel exists to make gospel-centered, radical followers of Jesus Christ in our church, in our local communities and around the world, restoring biblical communities of disciples.
our mission
GCC’s mission is to make gospel-centered disciples of Jesus Christ in the new “10-40” window – that is, between the approximate ages of 10 and 40. We want to awaken younger generations of Christians and nurture their faith. By focusing on key stages of life, we hope to accomplish vertical (generational) as well as horizontal (global) missions, passing our faith on to younger generations. Our mission can be accomplished by 3 core pillars that we believe will enable us to ultimately fulfill the vision that God has placed in our hearts.
Biblical Education
Bible-based school to raise the next generation in the word of God and in school subjects. To raise youth that will be spiritual leaders in their communities.
Church Planting
Incubation and launch platform for church plants in our local community as well as abroad as we follow the convictions God gives us for certain regions.
Missions organization to sustain full-time missionaries doing God’s work. Eventually to support not only our missionaries, but others who desire to be sent out.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
-Matthew 28:19-20
our values



Deep Spirituality



Vision Discovery
Grace Community Chapel is part of the Christian Reformed Church denomination. To learn about our beliefs, visit www.crcna.org.